Our Mission
A Ministry of Northland, A Church Distributed

Small Groups
Service Projects
Our Mission

Mission Statement: (who we are)

The mission of Married Young Adult Ministries is to foster strong relationships between young married couples in their 20’s and 30’s who have a love for Christ and a desire to fellowship among a group of supportive Christian friends.

Fulfilling our Mission: (what we do)

Ø      Home Groups:  Home groups are small bible studies that strive to help Christian friends delve deeper into their relationship with Christ while also fostering more intimate relationships with a few other couples within the MYAM group.  Most of them meet in a home and get together every week or every other week.  Studies vary depending on the interests of the group. 

Ø      Dinner Groups:  Dinner groups are small social gatherings that strive to help Christian friends get to know each other in a more casual, social setting.  Four or five couples meet once a month for dinner at a member’s house.  Every month, a different couple hosts until all have had the opportunity to host.  After a “round” is over, couples are mixed up and have the opportunity to meet other couples in a new dinner group. 

Ø      Events:  Events are larger gatherings open to all young married couples within the church that strive to foster relationships among all Christian couples.  Throughout the year, we strive to provide a wide range of activities and events.  Some may include families and children, some may be adults only.  Some may be for men only, some may be for women only.  Some may be free and some may have a cost to attend.  A planning team meets a couple times a year to try and plan a variety of different events. 

Ø      Service Projects:  Service projects strive to provide an outlet for couples to help other brothers and sisters in Christ.  Projects have included feeding the homeless, having a garage sale for charity, and buying and wrapping gifts for disadvantaged children at Christmas. 

Ø      Mom’s Playgroup:  The Mom’s playgroup seeks to provide Christian fellowship and support among mothers while also providing a creative outlet for their children.  The playgroup meets on Monday mornings at different locations. 

Ø      New Parent Assistance:  New parent assistance provides a tangible and practical way to help new parents by providing meals once they return home from the hospital.  This area has recently been expanded and two couples are now trained to facilitate the “Preparation for Parenting” class, the first in a series called “Growing Kids God’s Way.”  This class strives to provide a logical parenting plan rooted in biblical principles. 

Ø      Welcome team and Outreach:  The welcome team seeks to extend a friendly Christian greeting to any couples wishing to be involved in MYAM.  This is done through our Northland phone box, our website, the newspaper, and meeting and greeting different couples during the course of worship and fellowship.  The welcome team makes sure all new couples know about our activities, small groups, support, and resources to encourage couples that are seeking Christian fellowship and/or assistance in their pursuit of spiritual maturity.

Give us your contact information to get involved!


   Contact MYAM  This site was last updated on August 13, 2002