New Parent Assistance

Service Projects


Lets help out the new mom's and dad's in MYAM


I'm sure by now everyone knows about the new babies that are soon to be a part of our group in the upcoming months!  In light of that, wouldn’t it be great to bring over some meals after the babies are born?!   I'm sure fast food would get pretty old after a while, and plus, this would be a great chance for us to minister to each other!

OK - so here's the deal. Let's get a list together of people who we can call on to share their supper! Don't worry, we will give you advanced notice and ask which day is good for you. It doesn't have to be elaborate or fancy, a simple casserole, or just making up extra of what you planned for yourself some night, will do just fine.

For those of you already on the list – thanks so much!  We really appreciate you!  For those of you who haven’t volunteered yet, please prayerfully consider signing up.  The more people involved, the lighter the load!

To be on the "Share Your Supper" list, please follow this link to fill out the sign up form.  Please contact me via email at or call me at (407) 420-6706 if you have any questions. you would like to be on the "Share Your Supper" list.

Thanks so much!
Kristen & Greg Mikesell


Contact us with your thoughts, prayer requests, problems, or suggestions.

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Revised: December 04, 2000 .